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Passed key safety requirements
Maximum width (cm)
For ease of filtering, we've listed the maximum required width of the safety gate in cm.
Minimum width (cm)
For ease of filtering, we've listed the minimum required width of the safety gate in cm. Some retractable gates may not specify a minimum width.
Apart from safety gates, we occasionally test safety barriers, or gate/barrier combinations.
Weight (kg)
Weight of the gate.
Ease of use
The ease of use score includes: ease of assembly and installation; ease of releasing the latch or latches when opening the gate; and ease of opening and closing the gate.
Performance score
Models with a performance score of around 60-65% typically have only minor failures relating to potential finger traps and metal edges which could scratch skin.
Models with a performance score of only 20-40% fail at least one major safety test, such as for limb entrapment, climbing footholds or horizontal strength.
A Similar model is identical in most aspects except for a few. This means that a majority of its test results are identical so you can reasonably expect to get the same results from the model we tested, but for those aspects which aren't identical, we'll note these as "Not Tested" in the Compare tables.
A Tested model refers to a model that is still current and available in the Australian market. You should be able to order this model through your local retailer, or find it online.
These models can't be found in retailers or online or are no longer manufactured. You may still find them on second-hand websites, or in second-hand dealers. Test methods may change over time, so criteria which can't be directly compared will contain an N/A.
An Identical model is exactly that. Performance characteristics will be identical and the only difference will be something trivial such as colour, which won't have an impact on performance.
These are models we haven't yet tested but that are available.
Included in this review
- Overall score
- Performance score
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳buy
- Ease of use
- Passed key requirements and tests
- Maximum width
- Minimum width
- Good points
- Bad points
- Price
- Status
- Brand
- Model
- Type
- Stated width range without extensions (cm)
- Height (cm)
- Weight (kg)
- Opening direction
- Contact