Expand to view more details.Pack price in Sydney stores and online (not on special) during May 2024.
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Price per 100g
This is based on the pack price in Sydney Stores and online (not on special) during May 2024.
Nutrition score
The nutrition score is based on the product's Health Star Rating, calculated from the details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage.
Our review includes porridge, which is usually cooked or soaked overnight, and plain rolled oats, which can be cooked or eaten raw, as well as kids' cereals (products that are marketed to and generally enjoyed by children, including extruded cereals, which have been processed into fun shapes, porridges, biscuits and mixes).
Claims to be gluten free
Claims to be vegan
Claims to be organic
Energy per 100g (kJ)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Protein per 100g (g)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Fat per 100g (g)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Carbohydrates per 100g (g)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Added sugar per 100g (g)
We used the George Institute for Global Health's FoodSwitch app to determine added sugars per 100g.
Total sugar per 100g (g)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Sodium per 100g (mg)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Fibre per 100g (g)
As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Percentage of Australian ingredients
As per the country of origin statement on the pack.
Country of origin
Included in this comparison
- Price
- Price per 100g
- Nutrition score
- Recommended
- Serving size (g)
- Pack size (g)
- Servings per pack
- Shop Ethical rating
- Energy per 100g (kJ)
- Protein per 100g (g)
- Fat per 100g (g)
- Saturated fat per 100g (g)
- Carbohydrates per 100g (g)
- Added sugar per 100g (g)
- Total sugar per 100g (g)
- Fibre per 100g (g)
- Sodium per 100g (mg)
- Health Star Rating
- Percentage of wholegrains
- Percentage of fruit
- Percentage of nuts, seeds and legumes
- Claims to be gluten free
- Claims to be vegan
- Claims to be organic
- Nutrition and health claims
- Country of origin
- Percentage of Australian ingredients