Expand to view more details.Pack price from online stores from Sydney stores (not on special) in June 2024
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Price per 100g
Based on the pack price online for Sydney stores (not on special) in June, 2024.
Performance score
Once the labelled cooking time was reached, spaghetti was drained, and each sample was assessed for a) degree of cooking/’doneness’ at labelled cook time, which also took into consideration whether strands were separate or clumped (80% of performance score) and b) any sticking to the pan once drained (20% of performance score).
Nutrition score
The nutrition score is based on the product's Health Star Rating displayed on the pack or calculated from the details in the nutrition information panel, and converted to a percentage.
Shop Ethical rating
Energy per 100g (kJ)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Protein per 100g (g)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Fat per 100g (g)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Saturated fat per 100g (g)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Sugars per 100g (g)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Fibre per 100g (g)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Sodium per 100g (mg)
As per nutrition information panel on pack purchased.
Included in this review
- status
- Shop Ethical rating
- Recommended
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
- Performance score
- Nutrition score
- Price
- Pack size (g)
- Organic
- Wholemeal
- Gluten free
- Price per 100g
- Energy per 100g (kJ)
- Protein per 100g (g)
- Fat per 100g (g)
- Saturated fat per 100g (g)
- Sugars per 100g (g)
- Fibre per 100g (g)
- Sodium per 100g (mg)
- Ingredients
- Percentage of Australian ingredients
- Country of origin statement