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Absorption score
In this test we assess how much liquid the paper towel can absorb.
Cost per 100 sheets
This is based on the pack size tested. Buying in bulk can help to reduce costs.
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Puncture test score
We assess the strength of the paper towel by testing its resistance to puncturing. In this test a higher force is the most desirable result, meaning your finger is less likely to go through the paper.
Wet tear strength score
We test how easily the paper towel will tear when wet to show how strong it is, or if you're dealing with something you don't particularly want coming through the towel.
Separation test score
We measure the ease of separating the paper towel at the perforation. The easier it is for paper towel to tear off the roll, the better.
Claims to be biodegradable
Bleaching (chlorine free) claims
Claims to be made from recycled material
FSC certified
PEFC certified
Included in this review
- Recommended
- Price
- Pack size tested
- Shop Ethical rating
- Company
- Cost per 100 sheets
- Cost per roll
- Overall score
- Absorption score
- Wet tear strength score
- Separation test score
- Pucture test score
- Number of sheets per roll
- Ply
- PEFC certified
- FSC certified
- Made from recycled material claim
- Biodegradable claim
- Bleaching (chlorine free) claims
- Country of origin