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The best fridges for big families

These fridges are big on capacity – and big on performance.

large double door fridge perfect for families
Last updated: 03 January 2025

Need to know

  • Our experts tested 101 fridges in our lab, including 30 extra-large (525L+) models
  • Extra-large fridges can cost more than $4000, so you'll want to make the right choice
  • For ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳members, we reveal the top performing fridges for large families

Is your fridge bursting at the seams trying to accommodate enough food for your large family? 

For families of five or more, and those who entertain regularly, you'll probably need a fridge that's at least 440L to comfortably fit in food and drinks for everyone. 

If you're considering an extra-large fridge, you'll need to start saving: they cost anywhere from around $1500 upwards. The most expensive fridge we've tested costs $18,150 (yes, really!).

When you're dropping that sort of coin, you'll want to make sure you're buying something that will perform well and stand the test of time.

The most expensive fridge isn't always the best: four of the best fridges cost less than $3000

And the most expensive fridge isn't always the best: seven of the best extra-large fridges we tested cost less than $3000 – so if you want a huge fridge but have a smaller budget, you don't have to spend at the top of the range.

We'll talk you through how to buy the best fridge for your household, and exclusively for ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳members, we'll reveal the best extra-large fridges. 

If you just want to see the best products, you can jump straight to the results now.

How to choose the right fridge for your family

Not sure what size you'll need? Here's our guide to choosing the right fridge capacity.

How to choose the right size fridge
Household size Recommended volume Price range
1–2 people 250–380³¢ (1) $429–2399
3–4 people 350–530³¢ $699–4799
5 or more people 440L+ (2) $1079–5500+

(1) We don't recommend smaller fridges, as they tend to be less energy efficient and cost you more in the long run. (2) Add 28.5L for each additional family member, plus freezer space. If in doubt, get the bigger fridge.

Expert tips

ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳fridge expert Denis Gallagher shares his tips for choosing a fridge for a larger family.


Side-by-side fridges often can't fit larger items.

pigeon pair fridge

A pigeon pair configuration.

french door fridge

French-door fridges can fit larger items.

Choose the right type

Side-by-side fridges may seem like a good size for larger families, but we generally don't recommend them because they're not great for temperature evenness. 

Plus, the shelves are often quite narrow, which can make it hard to fit large items.

A 'pigeon pair' – a separate but matching upright fridge and freezer – gives you lots more room than other fridge styles, and you can put the freezer in a different room to free up extra space in your kitchen. 

They cost more than traditional fridge styles, but a set-up that suits your lifestyle could be worth the extra money.

A French-door fridge – a bottom mount freezer with a two-door fridge – is a good option as it has good storage capacity, and both fridge and freezer are wide enough for large platters and bulk foods. 

Again, they cost more than standard fridges, but the extra will buy you more space and convenience.

All the fridges we recommend for large families are French-door fridges – we think they're the best option unless you have the budget (and space) for a pigeon pair.

Look for flexibility

A multi-use compartment improves your fridge's flexibility – you can allocate that compartment as extra freezer or fridge space as you need it.

Think twice about ice

If you've got a large family but not much space, don't get a fridge with an ice dispenser – it can take up almost 30% of your freezer capacity.

What are the best fridges for big families?

We independently test and review dozens of new fridges each year in our thermal lab, and our experts know exactly what to look for to help you find the best product.

Our detailed fridge reviews include information about each model's performance, running costs, durability and features – all important factors to also consider when purchasing a fridge.

Only ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳members can access our detailed testing data. If you're not yet a member, join CHOICE to get instant access to all our expert, independent reviews, from coffee machines and grinders, to kettles and cots, toasters and TVs, and more.

Or log in to unlock this article and find out which fridges are the top picks for larger households.

Stock images: Getty, unless otherwise stated.

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lg gf b530bl



  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 87%
  • Volume: 530L
  • Price: $1999
  • Brand reliability score: 81%

Not only is this 530L French-door fridge the top performer in the extra-large category, it's also one of the cheapest recommended fridges of its type. 

And to top it off, it's also the highest scorer of all the fridges in our review, coming in ahead of even $4000+ models (including that $18,000 fridge we mentioned earlier)!

It's no exaggeration to say that this LG punches far above its weight, delivering excellent value for money and great performance. 

Our experts rated it as 'Excellent' for temperature stability – an accolade that only seven fridges of the 101 in our review achieved. (Temperature stability is a measure of how much the temperature fluctuates. The higher the score, the less temperature fluctuation.)

This LG punches far above its weight, delivering excellent value for money and great performance

It's also a nice even temperature throughout, which means no warm or cold spots (and therefore no frozen lettuce or lukewarm drinks). 

In fact, the only criticism our experts had was its lack of chiller, which is a sin that can surely be forgiven with value for money like this. In fact, very few of the models in this category have chillers, so you're probably not missing out, especially considering how well this model performs in every other aspect. 

(Not sure what a chiller is? It's a compartment that's for storing meat, fish and poultry. Its temperature should be around 0°C to help keep things fresher for longer.)

LG also took out equal second place in our Best Brand fridges for 2024. It shared the top spot with Mitsubishi Electric for the two years prior, and is only one point behind Mitsubishi Electric in our 2024 results.

Read the full LG GF-B530BL review.

samsung srf7300sa

Samsung SRF7300SA.

Samsung SRF7300SA

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 86%
  • Volume: 649L
  • Price: $3399
  • Brand reliability score: 82%

This Samsung may be a step up in price from the affordable LG above, but it's also a step up in size: you'll get 119L more for the extra $1400.

It also sports a nifty feature: an auto-filling water jug that's plumbed into the fridge. It even has an infuser in it so you can fancy up your water with some citrus or cucumber. 

You do still need to open the fridge to get the water out, so it's not quite as fancy as some other fridges with water dispensers, but the system is a very economical use of space, so you're still getting chilled water but without sacrificing fridge space. 

Our fridge experts rated it as "excellent" or "very good" for almost every single element we assess

Our fridge experts rated it as "excellent" or "very good" for almost every single element we assess, including keeping food fresh for longer, temperature evenness and noise level. 

The only place where it fell down was its default setting, which means it won't perform optimally straight out of the box. But if you adjust the settings to suit your situation, it'll work beautifully. 

Learn more with our fridge temperature guide

Like the LG above, the only criticism our experts had was that it doesn't have a chiller.

Read the full Samsung SRF7300SA review

lg gf b505mbl



  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 82%
  • Volume: 530L
  • Price: $2099
  • Brand reliability score: 81%
This LG fridge is one of the top scoring models under $2500 in the extra-large category.

This fridge delivers on both price and performance

Our testers were impressed by its temperature stability and evenness, response to changes in room temperatures and ability to keep food fresher for longer. It scored 80% and higher on all of our tests except one (the default setting score), for which it scored 75%.

That's some seriously solid performance – and for a seriously low price.

Just like the two models above, the only shortcoming of this fridge noted by our testers was that it doesn't have a chiller, and it also doesn't have humidity control on the crisper. But they're definitely things you can live without, especially when everything else about this fridge is so good.

This fridge delivers on both price and performance. You can't go wrong. 

Read the full LG GF-B505MBL review.

electrolux ehe6899ba

Electrolux EHE6899BA.

Electrolux EHE6899BA

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 80%
  • Volume: 681L
  • Price: $4649
  • Brand reliability score: 80%

A pricey performer, this Electrolux fridge looks the business and certainly delivers on performance. 

Its unique layout includes a multi-use compartment that can be used as a freezer, chiller or deli, giving you extra flexibility when entertaining and when the season changes. 

It received very good scores for temperature stability, temperature range, response to outside temperature, default settings and noise level. In fact, our experts couldn't find anything negative to say about this fridge at all.

Read the full Electrolux EHE6899BA review.

westinghouse wqe6000sb

Westinghouse WQE6000SB.

Westinghouse WQE6000SB

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 80%
  • Volume: 600L
  • Price: $2399
  • Brand reliability score: 83%

If you're looking for a big fridge on a small budget, this is your next best bet after the $2000 LG that sits at the top of the list. 

It may not have all the fancy features of more expensive fridges, such as water and ice dispensers, but it holds its own in terms of performance, ranking alongside â€“ and even above – fridges that that are more than $2000 more expensive. 

If you're looking for a more affordable option but don't want to compromise on performance, this is a great pick

It performed solidly in most of our testing, with excellent scores for temperature stability and range. However, it lost points for temperature evenness and its default setting, although the latter is fixable: you can (and should!) adjust your fridge's settings to make sure it's optimally set up for your home. 

There's not much else to say, really – it's a good fridge for a good price. If you're looking for a more affordable option but don't want to compromise on performance, this is a great pick. 

Read the full Westinghouse WQE6000SB review

lg gf l700mbl



  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 80%
  • Volume: 637L
  • Price: $3699
  • Brand reliability score: 81%

Yes, yet another LG. (There's a reason LG was named ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Best Brand fridge for 2022 and 2023.)

Tall, dark and handsome, this fridge's beauty isn't only skin deep. It's pretty to look at, with its slick black stainless steel exterior, but it's also a pretty great performer: our experts rated it as 'Good' or 'Very good' on all our tests. 

It also has a plumbed-in ice and water dispenser, which you'd expect for this kind of money. 

It's one of the most expensive models recommended by our experts in its size category, so you may be able to find a better performer for a cheaper price, but if you want both style and substance, this is a great buy. 

Read the full LG GF-L700MBL review.

Best of the rest

These fridges scored just under 80%, but are still recommended by our experts. They're definitely worth considering if you're in the market for an extra-large fridge.


  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 78%
  • Volume: 594L
  • Price: $1999

Westinghouse WHE6170SB

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 78%
  • Volume: 609L
  • Price: $4149

Samsung SRF7100S

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 77%
  • Volume: 649L
  • Price: $2799
Samsung SRF9400BFH
  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 77%
  • Volume: 636L
  • Price: $5099

Samsung SRS656MBFH4

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 76%
  • Volume: 657L
  • Price: $3266

Samsung SRS693NLS

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 76%
  • Volume: 655L
  • Price: $1899

Hisense HRCD610TS

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 75%
  • Volume: 609L
  • Price: $1899

Mitsubishi MR-LA580ER-GBK-A

  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating: 75%
  • Volume: 580L
  • Price: $3849
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Stock images: Getty, unless otherwise stated.