Expand to view more details.This is the manufacturer's recommended retail price at the time of purchase. Retail prices may vary, so shop around.
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Rangehood type
Wall canopy (a hood installed against the wall), retracting (has a pull-out element), or undermount (integrated into a kitchen cupboard).
Size (cm)
Measured width of the rangehood. They should be larger than your cooktop area for maximum performance.
Noise score
Noise is measured at each fan setting using a noise level meter 500mm from the front edge of the hood. We don't recommend wall canopies with a noise score below 55% and undermount/retractable with a noise score below 46%.
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Performance score
How well the rangehoods extract steam in both low and high fan settings, and how much escapes from the front and sides. Water is boiled using two then four saucepans, and the more steam that escapes, the lower the steam removal score.
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Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Speed settings
Number of fan speeds. Includes whether it has a 'boost' mode for extra suction.
One-way exhaust valve supplied
Filter dishwashable
A Similar model is identical in most aspects except for a few. This means that a majority of its test results are identical so you can reasonably expect to get the same results from the model we tested, but for those aspects which aren't identical, we'll note these as "Not Tested" in the Compare tables.
A Tested model refers to a model that is still current and available in the Australian market. You should be able to order this model through your local retailer, or find it online.
These models can't be found in retailers or online or are no longer manufactured. You may still find them on second-hand websites, or in second-hand dealers. Test methods may change over time, so criteria which can't be directly compared will contain an N/A.
An Identical model is exactly that. Performance characteristics will be identical and the only difference will be something trivial such as colour, which won't have an impact on performance.
These are models we haven't yet tested but that are available.
Included in this review
- Overall score
- Mode tested
- Performance
- Ease of use
- Noise score
- Noise, low/high (dBA)
- Running cost per 100 hours with lights off
- Running cost per 100 hours with lights on
- Running cost difference – lights on vs lights off
- Good points
- Bad points
- One-way exhaust valve supplied
- Shop Ethical rating
- Price
- Rangehood type
- Size (cm)
- Dimensions (cm, HxWxD)
- Control location
- Number of light globes
- Type of light
- Filter type
- Filter dishwashable
- Ducting pipe diameter recommended (mm)
- Minimum installation mounting height above stove (mm)
- Maximum installation mounting height (mm)
- Number of fans
- Speed settings
- Items supplied
- Material
- Warranty (years)
- Country of origin