Expand to view more details.This is the price we paid in supermarkets at the time of testing.
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Cleaner type
We test a range of spray, foam and gel type bathroom cleaners as well as bathroom cleaning wipes. We've also tested refill concentrates as well as tablets and powders that are mixed or dissolvable in water for application as a spray.
Cost per 100mL or per wipe
The cost per 100mL or per wipe. The cost per 100mL for dissolvable products or refill concentrates are calculated when product is made up with water as per instructions.
Bottle size (mL)
This is the size of the bottle we purchased for testing.
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. The rating ranks from A (highest) to F (lowest); N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Country of origin
Where the packaging states the product was manufactured, or put together.
Claims to be greywater safe
Claims to be safe for septic tanks
Surfactant claims to be biodegradable
Claims to have no ammonia or chlorine
Claims to be phosphate-free or have no added phosphates
Included in this review
- Claims to be safe for septic tanks
- Shop Ethical rating
- Claims to be greywater safe
- Surfactant claims to be biodegradable
- Claims to have no ammonia or chlorine
- Claims to be phosphate-free or have no added phosphates
- Price
- Cost per 100mL
- Recommended
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
- Bottle size (mL)
- Tested application time
- Ingredients
- Cleaner type
- Country of origin
- Manufacturer comments