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Laundry detergent reviews

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Last updated: 29 August 2024


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The best laundry detergents will remove spills like oils, makeup and starches from your clothes. Detergent also amounts to at least half the running cost of your washing machine so it pays to pick the right one.

We've tested popular laundry detergents in a lab setting to tell you which ones:

  • work best in your machine type
  • work well on nine difficult-to-remove stains
  • are good value for money
  • are best for specific stains.

We've also partnered with on this update to show the ratings the Ethical Consumer Group gives to each company.

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Our interactive comparison tool helps you find out which detergents claim to contain enzymes, which ones claim to be phosphate-free, and even how they compare to washing your clothes in plain water. Just like our washing machine reviews, our Recommended list will show you at a glance which products come out on top.

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Did you know detergent formulas change?

Detergent manufacturers are changing formulas on a constant basis, sometimes at least once a year. If you like to buy in bulk, it could be worthwhile only buying a year's worth of detergent rather enough to last you five years. You can check our test results the following year to make sure the detergent you bought is just as good as it was the previous year.

Why is each detergent listed twice?

Almost all laundry detergents claim to be suitable for use in both front and top loader washing machines, and also perform differently in both types. So we've tested them in each type of washing machine and listed the scores for the detergent when used in a top loader, and when used in a front loader. Selecting the type of washing machine you have at home using the filters on the left of this page will show you the results that are most relevant to you.

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    This is the price we paid for the pack size tested. The cost per wash is based on this price, so if you can find it cheaper, your cost per wash will be cheaper as well.

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    These are detergents that don't necessarily do well enough to be recommended, but are still great value for money. For front loaders, a laundry detergent must have a ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating of at least 70% and cost under 30 cents per wash. For top loaders, a laundry detergent must have a ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating of at least 60% overall and cost under 30 cents per wash.

      Washing machine type

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      Whether we tested the detergent in a top loader or front loader washing machine. If the detergent claims to be suitable for both, we test in both. You'll find the scores under the requisite machine type.

        Type of detergent

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        We test a range of liquid, powder and capsule laundry detergents as well as laundry detergent sheets. 

          Shop Ethical rating

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          Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. The rating ranks from A (highest) to F (lowest); N/A means there is no rating for that company.

            Included in this review

            Members-only access
            • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
            • General detergency score
            • Perspiration stains score
            • Grass/mud stains score
            • Olive oil stains score
            • Tomato stains score
            • Makeup stains score
            • Chocolate ice cream stains score
            • Baby food stains score
            • Mineral oil stains score
            • Blood stains score
            • Recommended
            • Best buy
            • Shop Ethical rating
            • Year tested
            • Washes per pack
            • Price
            • Cost per wash
            • Machine used
            • Pack size (g or mL)
            • Safe for greywater systems claim
            • Sensitive claim
            • Dermatologically tested claim
            • Safe for septic tanks claim
            • Low to no phosphate
            • Contains enzymes
            • Contains optical brighteners
            • Country of origin


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