Need to know
- CTP car insurance is compulsory in Australia, but it works differently in each state
- CTP car insurance covers you against compensation claims if someone is injured in an accident – the injured person is covered for costs, including medical treatments and lost income
- Depending on where you live, CTP car insurance may not cover you for your own injuries if you're at fault
Compulsory third party (CTP) insurance – called a green slip in NSW – is compulsory in Australia. It covers you against paying compensation to people injured in an accident that you caused.
CTP insurance doesn't cover damage to your car or any other cars. This is covered by comprehensive car insurance.
CTP insurance is administered by the states, so it works differently depending on where you live. The main differences are:
- who's covered
- what you're covered for and how much compensation is paid
- cost of CTP car insurance
- choice of insurer.
On this page:
Who does CTP insurance cover?
CTP insurance covers people injured in a car accident. This can include:
- you and your passengers
- anyone else driving your car
- drivers and passengers of other vehicles
- other road users, including cyclists and pedestrians
- compensation for dependents and funeral expenses if anyone died as a result of the accident.
What does CTP insurance cover?
If you're injured, you're usually covered for:
- medical treatment
- loss of income
- rehabilitation
- a period of time.
Queensland, SA and WA have an at-fault scheme, which means the driver who is at-fault can't claim CTP insurance compensation. NSW has a mixed scheme where the at-fault driver receives less compensation.
But all four states cover anyone who was in a road accident, including at-fault drivers if they have catastrophic permanent injuries, such as spinal cord or brain injuries.
Some insurers in NSW and all in Queensland also offer at-fault driver protection cover as a free add-on to CTP insurance. At-fault driver protection pays out lump sums for serious injuries like paraplegia or losing a limb.
If a driver is charged with a serious driving offence such as drink driving, they usually won't be able to claim benefits for themselves.
Common law claims
In a number of states, you can also make a claim for compensation under common law. You normally need to prove negligence by someone else and you may be able to make a claim if your injury is severe and permanent. Strict time limits apply.
How much does CTP insurance cost?
The cost of CTP car insurance varies, depending on the state you live in and variations between insurers. Choose your state below to get an idea of CTP insurance prices for 'Class 1' cars and station wagons.
CTP insurance by state
In the ACT, you're required to buy compulsory third-party (CTP) insurance every year as part of the vehicle registration process.
Since 1 February 2020, anyone injured in a road accident may be covered for up to five years of medical treatment, care and lost income. This includes the at-fault driver.
Under the previous CTP scheme, only people who weren't at fault and could prove someone else was at fault were covered. The new no-fault scheme is called the Motor Accident Injuries Scheme.
What's covered under CTP insurance in ACT?
- Medical expenses: including dental, rehabilitation, in-home care and some transportation for up to five years
- Lost income: low-income earners can get their full income including super replaced, but there is a $2250 weekly cap for high-income earners
- Quality of life benefit in cases of permanent injury
- Funeral expenses of up to $15,000
- Death benefit for dependents: the partner or former partner of the person who died can claim $190,000; $40,000 can be paid for each child up to four children.
How much does CTP insurance cost in the ACT?
In the ACT, CTP premiums are community rated which means that each driver of a vehicle class pays the same premium regardless of their age, claims or driving history.
Which CTP insurer is best in the ACT?
You can select CTP insurance from four insurers. They all provide exactly the same cover but charge slightly different premiums:
- AAMI: $464
- APIA: $474
- GIO: $436.20
- NRMA: $439.20
Note: Prices as of 29 July 2020, based on Class 1 cars and station wagons without Input Tax Credit Entitlement (ITCE) for 12 months cover. Costs for other vehicle types differ. Up-to-date premiums can be found on the .
Insurers may offer incentives like cashbacks or discounts if you hold other policies with them.
Phone: 1300 209 642
Contact through Access Canberra
Phone: 13 22 81
Email: [email protected]
In NSW, CTP insurance is called a green slip. You need to buy a green slip when you renew your vehicle registration.
CTP green slip insurance in NSW is regulated by the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA).
What's covered under CTP insurance in NSW?
Anyone injured, including the at-fault driver, is covered for ambulance and initial medical expenses.
You can also receive compensation for up to six months (26 weeks), including:
- income support of up to 95% of your salary for the first 14 weeks, and after that up to 85% up to two years depending on how severe your injuries are and if you were at fault
- medical and dental treatment and rehabilitation expenses, as well as travelling expenses to get to appointments
- help around the home
- funeral expenses if someone died as a result of the accident
- compensation for the dependents of someone who died as a result of a car accident.
If you're not at fault and have serious injuries, you may be able to claim benefits beyond six months.
Severe injuries
If you have a catastrophic permanent injury, such as a brain or spinal cord injury, amputations, burns or permanent blindness, you may receive lifetime treatment, rehabilitation and care even if you were at fault.
How much does a green slip cost in NSW?
The average annual premium for a CTP green slip was $487 in October 2020. Premiums vary depending on your vehicle type, region and insurer.
Use to get a quote from all insurers.
Which is the best CTP green slip insurer in NSW?
Green slips in NSW are offered by five insurers:
- Allianz
- QBE.
Allianz and NRMA offer additional lump sum amounts for at-fault drivers with serious injuries.
Compensation for at-fault drivers
Allianz |
Quadriplegia |
Paraplegia |
Total loss of use/amputation of one limb |
Amputation of both hands and both feet |
Amputation of both hands or both feet |
Amputation of one hand and one foot |
Amputation of one hand or one foot |
Amputation of thumb and forefinger on one hand |
Total loss of sight – one eye |
Total loss of sight – both eyes |
Loss of speech |
Loss of hearing |
3rd degree burns >10% of body |
Fracture of pelvis, skull or spinal vertebrae |
Death |
Note: Allianz only covers drivers who are 25 years old or older at the date their CTP policy was taken out or renewed.
offers a service assisting people who need to make a claim called CTP Assist.
Phone: 1300 656 919
Email: [email protected]
The Northern Territory has a no-fault scheme. It's called the Motor Accidents Compensation (MAC) Scheme and is provided by TIO on behalf of the NT government. CTP is paid as part of the registration cost.
What's covered?
- Medical and dental treatment
- Rehabilitation
- Loss of 85% of your average weekly income independent of what you would normally earn
- Care and support services such as in-home care
- Serious and permanent injuries such as spinal cord or brain injuries
- Return to work support
- Modifications to your home
- Aids and equipment
- Emergency travel so you can be with an injured loved one
- Funeral expenses
- Compensation for the dependents if someone died.
How much does CTP cover cost in NT?
CTP costs are included in the registration fee.
For example, as of August 2020, the CTP cost for light vehicles with 1.5–2L engine size and four cylinders (such as a Hyundai i30) was $766.55 for 12 months (includes registration cost).
Check out for more information.
The Motor Accidents Compensation Commission ()
Phone: 1300 493 506
Email: [email protected]
Queensland has an at-fault scheme regulated by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC).
You can only make a claim if someone else was at fault in the accident; if you were partly at fault your compensation may be reduced, and if you were at fault, you won't be compensated.
It also requires you to prove that the at-fault driver was negligent.
What's covered?
Claims are assessed individually, but you may be able to claim:
- medical treatment
- rehabilitation
- loss of income
- cost of care and support services
- general damages (pain and suffering) if your injury is severe enough
- funeral costs if someone died
- financial loss if you're the spouse or a dependent, such as a dependent child of the person who died.
Severe injuries
Regardless who's at fault, if you have a catastrophic injury, you're covered for treatment, care and support through the National Injury Insurance Scheme in Queensland ().
Injuries covered include:
- spinal cord injuries
- traumatic brain injuries
- limb amputations
- brachial plexus injuries that could leave your arm paralysed
- severe burns
- blindness.
How much does CTP cover cost in QLD?
The Motor Accident Insurance Commission has a .
The premium cost for all insurers was $351.60.
- 12 months CTP insurance
- Class 1 cars and station wagons
- Not eligible for input tax
- Registration between 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2020.
Which CTP insurer is best in QLD?
CTP insurance in Queensland is offered by:
- Allianz
- Suncorp.
All insurers offer at-fault driver protection as a free add-on to CTP insurance.
At-fault driver compensation
Allianz |
Suncorp |
Quadriplegia |
$1 million |
$1–2 million (A) |
$250,000 |
$1 million |
Paraplegia |
$350,000 |
$350,000 |
$100,000 |
$350,000 |
Permanent total disablement |
$150,000 |
$50,000 |
$150,000 |
Loss of use of one limb |
$50,000 |
Loss of use of both hands and both feet |
$25,000 |
Loss of use of both hands or both feet |
$100,000 |
$100,000 |
$100,000 |
Loss of use of one hand and one foot |
$100,000 |
$25,000 |
$100,000 |
Loss of use of one hand or one foot |
$50,000 |
$50,000 |
$10,000 |
$50,000 |
Loss sight – both eyes |
$100,000 |
$100,000 |
$100,000 |
Loss of sight – one eye |
$50,000 |
$50,000 |
$10,000 |
$50,000 |
Loss of speech |
$100,000 |
No cover for young drivers
All insurers have special conditions for young drivers.
- Allianz – drivers aged 25 years and under at the start of the policy are not covered
- QBE – drivers aged under 25 years at the date of the accident are not covered
- RACQ – drivers aged under 25 years are only covered if they currently have RACQ Roadside or are permanently living with at least one parent who is an RACQ member with RACQ Roadside Assistance.
- Suncorp – drivers aged 25 years and under at the start of the policy are not covered.
- $2 million payout if driver had comprehensive insurance with Suncorp, $1 million otherwise
- $40,000 if the driver had dependents, $10,000 otherwise
The Motor Accident Insurance Commission ()
Phone: 1800 287 753
Email: [email protected]
South Australia has an at-fault scheme. That means:
- the driver who is at fault is not covered
- the driver is not covered in cases of accidents when no-one is at fault – for example, if you hit a kangaroo
- if you're partially at fault, your compensation will be reduced
- regardless of fault, CTP insurance covers children aged under 16 years.
What's covered?
You are covered for:
- medical costs
- lost income
- non-economic loss, such as pain and suffering.
Severe injuries
Regardless of fault, if you have a catastrophic injury you are potentially covered under the . Injuries covered include:
- quadriplegia
- paraplegia
- brain injury
- severe burns
- amputation
- blindness.
How much does CTP cover cost in SA?
All insurers provide the same cover and charge the same amount for CTP, but they can offer incentives such as multipolicy discounts.
CTP insurance in SA is offered by:
The cost for 12 months of CTP insurance is for all insurers:
- $295.40 in metropolitan Adelaide and the Hills
- $200.17 in other parts of South Australia.
Note: As of 26 October 2020, there are no input tax credits on Class 1 cars and station wagons.
The CTP insurance regulator has a .
Which CTP insurer is best in SA?
The SA CTP Insurance Regulator surveys all people who had a CTP claim and publishes a service rating – the higher the rating, the better.
- SGIC – 80%
- QBE – 77%
- AAMI – 76%
- Allianz – 72%
(Last updated 26 October 2020)
Phone: 1300 303 558
Email: [email protected]
Tasmania has a no-fault CTP scheme provided by the Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB).
This means the driver who is at fault is also protected. MAIB is the insurer in Tasmania.
What's covered?
- Medical and disability benefits such as ambulance, treatment, aids, home modification, travel and housekeeping up to $500,000
- Income compensation: If you're unfit to work for up to two years, depending on your normal income you can receive up to 80% of your wage and three times the average adult weekly earnings
- Fatal injuries: MAIB will cover up to $11,415 for the funeral expenses of someone who died as a result of the accident. Dependants will receive a lump sum of $88,000. There is an additional lump sum if there are two or more dependents and one is a dependent child. The amount varies and is based on the age and dependency of the child or children
What does CTP cover cost in Tasmania?
The cost of CTP in Tasmania is the lowest in Australia. The CTP premium is part of your vehicle registration fee.
- $314 is the 12-month registration fee including CTP for normal motor and light goods vehicles.
- $255 is the concession rate for pensioners and asylum seekers.
Note: Registrations and renewals from 1 December 2019.
, phone 1800 006 224, email [email protected].
What's covered?
Victoria has a no-fault CTP scheme provided by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC).
This means the driver who is at fault is also protected. TAC is the insurer in Victoria.
You are covered for:
- medical treatment including ambulance, dental and physio
- travel and accommodation to get to medical appointments or to visit injured loved ones
- income support while you are unable to return to work full time. Support is also available if you have a loss of earning capability after 18 months up to three years, or reviewed every five years if your impairment is 50% or more
- return to work support such as workplace modifications and support for your employer such as wage subsidies
- compensation (lump sum payment) which can include a benefit if you have suffered a permanent injury
- if someone died, compensation to family members including funeral costs up to $16,200, compensation for travel and counselling up to $192,720 for a dependent spouse, and compensation for dependent children based on their circumstance.
What does CTP cost in Victoria?
Cost depends on your type of car and where you live. Postcodes are divided in three areas: high risk, medium risk and low risk.
There is a 12-month TAC charge (including duty and GST) for a sedan, station wagon (including 4WD) or related car in 2020:
- $532.40 – high risk
- $477.40 – medium risk
- $413.60 – low risk
See .
Discounts are available for pensioners, concession card holders and apprentices of an eligible trade.
, email: [email protected]u. For urgent matters, phone: 1300 654 329 or 1800 332 556.
CTP insurance in WA is called Motor Injury Insurance and is operated by the Insurance Commission of Western Australia. CTP insurance is fault based – you'll only be covered if you weren't negligent and not at fault.
What's covered?
If you are injured in an accident and not at fault you are covered for:
- pain and suffering
- loss of wages
- claims management expenses
- care and support such as medical treatment and rehabilitation.
Severe injuries
If you have a catastrophic injury such as a traumatic brain injury, multiple amputations, severe burns or a spinal cord injury you are covered regardless of fault under the .
This can include:
- ambulance, medical (including pharmaceuticals) and dental treatment and rehabilitation
- support services such as domestic assistance
- aids, appliances and prostheses
- education and vocational training
- home and transport modification.
What does CTP cover cost in WA?
The Motor Injury Insurance charges $444.25 in fees in 2020/2021 for 12 months for a normal motor car. Check .
Insurance Commission of Western Australia, phone (08) 9264 3333 or 1800 643 338 (outside Perth metropolitan area) or via .
What if you have an accident interstate?
Your CTP insurance will protect you from paying compensation anywhere in Australia.
- If you have an accident interstate, the laws of the state where the accident occurred will be applied.
- If you have an accident with a car that is registered in another state, you need to make a claim against the CTP insurer of the driver who is at fault. The laws of the state in which the accident happened will be applied.
If you are in ACT, NT, Tasmania or Victoria, you will be covered regardless of fault.
But if you are an at-fault driver, you may not get any compensation for your injuries under CTP insurance if you are in Queensland, SA and WA. In NSW your compensation could be reduced if you're at-fault.
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