Kobra +1 SS4 review
Priced at $485.
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Ӱ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of performance and ease of use, weighted equally.
Performance score
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- Shredding a single A4 sheet (scored on time taken and quality and size of cut).
- Shredding 100 A4 sheets (in batches of the maximum number allowed at one time, scored on time taken).
Ease of use score
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- Ease of feeding paper into the shredder (including the tendency to jam) and ease of clearing jams.
- Ease of using controls.
- Ease of emptying bin.
- Stability.
Noise (dBA)
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Measured while shredding a single sheet.
- Time to process 100 sheets (sec)
- Recommended
- Status
- Tested model
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Recommended retail, as of October 2013.
- $485
Type of cut
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Strip cut or cross cut.
- Strip
Type of credit card cut
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This is commented on but not scored, since not all models can handle these items. Cross-cut is the more secure method.
- na
- Size of cut (mm)
- 3.8
Max number of A4 sheets per pass
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Most manufacturers base their claims on 70GSM or 80GSM paper. We tested to the claim for number of sheets.
- 19
Operating cycle (min on / min off)
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This is the manufacturer's claim about how long the machine can operate for, and how long it needs to rest before operating again.
- 24 hours / 15 min
- Claimed bin volume (L)
- 38.5
- Dimensions HxWxD (cm)
- 58 x 39 x 30
- Contact
Destroy CD
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This is commented on but not scored, since not all models can handle these items.
- Yes
Shred staples
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This is commented on but not scored, since not all models can handle these items.
- Yes
Shred paperclips
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This is commented on but not scored, since not all models can handle these items.
- Yes