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Veef Burger Patties review

Burger patties. 226g pack. Priced at $6.50.

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What is the Ӱ̳score?


This is the product's overall score based on the results of our blind taste test and nutrition ratings.

Format View more details.

Burger patties or mince.

Burger patties
Ӱ̳score View more details.

The Ӱ̳score is made up of taste (70%) and nutrition (30%). Weightings are in brackets.

Taste test score View more details.

Each sample was tasted by 42 participants. For each sample, participants decided if they 'disliked', 'liked' or 'loved' it. The taste score is an average of all responses, whereby 'dislike' is scaled at 25, 'like' at 70 and 'love' at 100.

Nutrition score View more details.

The nutrition score is based on the product's Health Star Rating, calculated from the details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage.

Shop Ethical rating View more details.

Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.

Percentage of Australian ingredients View more details.

As per the country of origin statement on pack.

Country of origin View more details.

As displayed on pack

Price View more details.

Pack price in Sydney stores (not on special) in September 2019.

Price per 100g View more details.

Based on price in Sydney stores for a pack (not on special) in September 2019.

Pack size (g) View more details.

Size of the pack in grams.

Gluten free claim View more details.

Gluten free claim on pack.

Member reviews

Average rating