RAA Premium review
One trip policy. Insurance provider: RAA.

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We pick policies that score well for policy features and price performance.
Ӱ̳Expert Rating (%)
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The Ӱ̳expert score is based on our assessment of price and what the policy covers. It's made up of 60% cover score and 40% price score. A higher score is better. N/A means a price score wasn't available for this policy.
Cover score (%)
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We assess the policy benefits, including medical, cancellation, additional expenses, baggage and rental car cover. A higher score is better.
Price score
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Scores the average cost of the policy compared to other policies of the same type (single trip or annual multi-trip). The higher score, the cheaper the policy is on average. N/A means the prices aren't available for this policy.
Medical cover score
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Scores the level of policy cover for medical costs.
Cancellation cover score
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Scores the level of policy cover for cancellation costs.
Baggage cover score
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Scores the level of policy cover for lost or stolen items.
Additional expense cover score
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Scores the level of policy cover for additional expenses incurred if your trip is interrupted.
- Policy type
- One trip
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This is the provider of the insurance product and correlates with the Financial Services Provider (FSP) as registered with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. You can look up your insurer's provider in the AFCA comparative tables to see how common it is for consumers to bring a travel insurance dispute to AFCA about them.
Policy age limit
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In years, up to and including the age stated. Restrictions such as a higher excess and reduced sublimits may still apply to older travellers below the age limit. Policies with no age limit are listed as 110.
- 75
Dependant age limit
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Maximum age for dependants listed on the policy. In years, up to and including the age stated. Conditions may apply to older dependants, such as they must be students and financially dependant on parents.
- 25
Annual travel duration
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For annual policies this is the limit for the number of consecutive travel days per trip. Where multiple numbers are listed, this indicates that you can choose between these options – the more days of cover you choose, the higher your premium will be. Older travellers may be restricted to fewer days of travel.
- N/A
Pre-existing conditions covered without application
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Does the policy list pre-existing medical conditions that are automatically covered. If yes, conditions still apply. Some policies may exclude cover for the listed conditions if you have any existing medical conditions that aren't listed.
- Yes
Pre-existing conditions covered on application
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Does the policy cover pre-existing medical conditions that are not listed as automatic cover on the policy (on application and subject to approval).
- Yes
Time period for existing conditions
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The lower the number, the better. It's the time period before booking your trip that a medical condition would be covered if you've had no symptoms, medication or treatment (as long as that condition isn't specifically excluded). If for example, your condition last showed symptoms 18 months ago, but the time period here is 12 months, then you'll be covered subject to the other conditions of the policy. Some specified or terminal conditions may still not be covered.
- 12 months
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Are claims covered that arise from pregnancy or pregnancy complications? If yes, IVF pregnancies may still be excluded or subject to medical screening.
- Yes
Pregnancy stage covered
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Until which stage pregnancy is covered for single births (up to and including). The is usually lower for multiple births such as twins, triplets etc.
- 25
Childbirth costs
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Are medical costs covered for the mother if childbirth occurs up to the maximum pregancy stage? Medical costs for the child may still be excluded.
- Yes
Medical expenses
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Limit for medical expenses for illness or injury. Some policies may have a lower limit for emergency evacuation and repatriation. And policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $Unlimited
Expenses for a person to accompany a sick policyholder
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Expenses for an accompanying person such as a member of the travelling party, a friend or a close relative (not necessarily listed as insured on the certificate of insurance) to travel to the sick policyholder overseas and remain with them in hospital. Some policies may have a lower limit to accompany you home during an emergency repatriation. And policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $Unlimited
Daily hospital cash allowance
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Daily hospital cash allowance per person. Most policies will have an overall limit as well.
- $50
Hours of hospitalisation before you receive the daily hospital cash allowance
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Minimum number of hours the insured must be continuously hospitalised before receiving the hospital cash allowance. Zero hours means there is no wait time.
- 48
Dental expenses for accident or injury
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Limit for dental as a result of an accident. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $Unlimited
Dental expenses for acute pain
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Limit for dental as a result of sudden and acute pain. May be excluded if the pain is due to gradual deteriotation. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $500
Overseas funeral costs
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Limit for overseas funeral costs or the return of mortal remains, in the event of the death of the policy holder. There may be a separate limit for 'return of mortal remains' and 'overseas funeral costs', so check the policy terms for more details. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $20000
Additional travel expenses for injury or sickness
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Limit for additional accommodation and travel expenses if the policy holder cannot travel due to injury or sickness. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $Unlimited
Additional expenses for interrupted travel
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The limit for additional expenses if travel is interrupted by an insured event other than injury or sickness. Policies may require an optional extra premium for this cover, and cover will vary, such as expenses to return to Australia, but not to continue your journey. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $Unlimited
Travel insurance extension for a delayed trip
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Whether the policy is automatically extended if your journey is extended due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Yes
Additional expenses for a lost passport
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Whether the policy covers you for additional travel expenses per person if travel is interrupted due to a lost or stolen passport or travel documents. Cover is assessed on individual circumstances.
- Yes
Additional expenses for a sick relative
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Whether or not the policy covers you for additional accommodation and travel expenses if you need to curtail travel due to the serious illness or injury of a relative at home. May be subject to a separate limit and assessment of pre-existing conditions for the relative.
- Yes
Additional expenses for resumption of journey interrupted for a relative
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Limit for resumption of a journey interrupted due to the serious illness, injury or death of a relative. 'Cancellation cover chosen' means variable cover options are available. May be subject to assessment of pre-existing conditions for the relative. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $3000
Cancellation covered
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Does the policy cover you for cancellation or amendment expenses or do you have to pay an optional extra fee.
- Yes
Cancellation expenses
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Limit for cancellation or amendment expenses. 'Cover chosen' means variable cover options are available. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $Unlimited
Cancellation for frequent flyer points
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Limit for cancellation expenses for transportation bought using frequent flyer points. Airline policies might only reimburse for their specific loyalty program.
- Yes
Cancellation expenses for travel agent fees
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Limit for travel agent cancellation fees.
- $4000
Cancellation for insolvency of a travel agent
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Is there cover for losses arising out of insolvency of a travel agent.
- No
Cancellation for insolvency of a travel services provider
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Is there cover for losses arising out of insolvency of a travel services provider (e.g. airline, accomodation provider, bus line, shipping line, railway company, motor vehicle rental agency). If yes, some policies may cover additional expenses but not cancellation.
- Yes
Cancellation expenses for redundancy
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Is there cover for cancellation expenses due to unexpected/involuntary retrenchment.
- Yes
Cancellation expenses for defence and emergency workers
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Is there cover for cancellation expenses due to cancellation of pre-arranged leave from work for members of the Defence Force and Federal, State or Territory Emergency Services.
- Yes
Cancellation expenses for cancellation of work leave
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Is there cover for expenses due to cancellation of pre-arranged leave from work for non-emergency services occupations. May be subject to a sub-limit.
- No
Baggage cover
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Does the policy cover you for stolen or damaged personal belongings or do you have to pay an optional extra fee.
- Yes
Limit for baggage expenses
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The overall limit for lost or stolen belongings. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $15000
Limit for a single unspecified item
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Limit for a single unspecified item.
- $1000
Limit for a video or photo camera
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Limit per item for a video or photo camera.
- $3000
Limit for a laptop or tablet
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Limit for a laptop or tablet.
- $3000
Limit for a smartphone
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Limit for a smartphone.
- $1000
Limit for prescribed medications
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Limit for any prescribed medications.
- $1000
Overall limit for specified items
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The overall limit for sepcific items that you may pay an additional premium for a higher level of cover. There may be restrictions on what items you can cover.
- $0
Cover for baggage in a car during the day
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There may be lower sublimits or no cover for belongings locked in a luggage compartment of a car out of sight during the day. Items not locked away out of sight often aren't covered.
- $15000
Cover for baggage in a car overnight
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There may be lower sublimits or no cover for belongings locked in a luggage compartment of a car out of sight overnight. Items not locked away out of sight often aren't covered.
- $0
Cover for valuables in a car
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There may be lower sublimits or no cover for valuables such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, jewellery or cameras locked in the luggage compartment of a car. Items not locked away out of sight often aren't covered.
- $0
Cover for lost or stolen cash
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Cover limit per person for lost or stolen cash. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $500
Limit for baggage lost temporarily
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Overall limit for a single person for baggage lost temporarily. Some policies may have a higher limit than stated for longer delays and a higher limit for couples or families.
- $750
Hours before cover applies for baggage lost temporarily
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The minimum period of time in hours before which cover applies for temporarily lost baggage.
- 10
Additional expenses for a special event
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Limit for additional travel expenses to reach a special event such as a wedding, conference or sporting event on time if the scheduled transport is cancelled or delayed. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $5000
Additional expenses for pre-paid travel arrangements
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Limit for additional travel expenses to reach pre-paid travel arrangements on time if the scheduled transport is cancelled or delayed. Policies may have a higher limit for couples or families.
- $0
Limit for travel delay expenses
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Limit for additional meal and accommodation expenses if scheduled transport is delayed.
- $3000
Hours before travel delay covered
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The minimum number of hours before transport delay is covered.
- 6
Limit per 24 hours for travel delay
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Limit per person per 24-hour period for this transport delay.
- $500
Rental car excess
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Is the collision damage excess for a hire car covered or do you have to pay an optional extra fee.
- Yes
Limit for rental car excess
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Limit for collision damage excess for a hire car. Some policies may allow a higher excess for an extra premium.
- $8000
Transport incidents
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Cancellation and additional expenses for claims due to transport incidents like mechanical breakdown and accidents. May only apply to pre-booked transport for some insurers.
- Excludes cancellation and additional expenses for mechanical breakdowns
Excludes cancellation expenses for transport accidents
Includes additional expenses for transport accidents -
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Does the policy cover cancellation and additional expenses for claims due to strikes?
- Excludes cancellation expenses for strikes
Includes additional expenses for strikes -
Mental health
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Does the policy cover claims due to mental health illness experienced for the first time on the trip, and not classified as an ongoing or existing medical condition?
- Yes (includes claims for mental health conditions experienced for the first time on the trip)
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Does the policy cover claims due to COVID-19?
- Includes medical and additional expenses for COVID-19
Cancellation expenses up to $3500 if the policy holder or a close relative contracts COVID-19 -
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Does the policy cover claims due to pandemics other than COVID-19?
- Includes medical expenses for pandemics other than COVID-19
Excludes cancellation and additional expenses for pandemics other than COVID-19 -
Natural disaster
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Does the policy cover claims due to natural disaster?
- Yes
Civil unrest
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Does the policy cover claims due to civil unrest?
- Yes
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Does the policy cover claims due to terrorism?
- Excludes cancellation and additional expenses for terrorism
Includes medical expenses -
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Does the policy cover claims due to war?
- No