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2006 Shonkys

Our inaugural Shonky Award winners set the bar low, like the pre-mixed gin and tonic drink with no gin or tonic.

shonkys hall of shame 2006


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Our inaugural Shonky Awards recognised Apple's repair and warranty service, $80 magnetic laundry balls which clean no better than water, a washing machine that was so gentle on clothes it removed barely any dirt, a robot vacuum that simply moved dirt from one part of the room to another, a meat pie with almost no meat, the 'Purely Fish' frozen fish meal with only 48% fish and credit cards for the way they calculate interest. 

Then there was the baby dummy that fits entirely inside a baby's mouth, oxygen you drink rather than breathe, and a gin and tonic pre-mixed drink containing no gin and no tonic. 

The bar was set high – or should that be low? – for all future nominees for a Shonky.