For more than 60 years, ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳has been in the business of dealing with businesses that mess consumers around. We've heard all their excuses when they don't deliver the goods or services that you expect and deserve, and we encourage you to stand up and have a whinge – because we all know which wheel gets the grease!
Taking action and making a complaint
Don't just yell and scream to let off steam, get the outcome you want with some targeted complaining.
Hard to reach, stuck on hold, no resolution: Join our call to fix bad customer service
Consumers say customer support is slipping. New legislation could make businesses do better.
The hard-to-reach businesses frustrating Australians
We put companies you said were the hardest to reach, including Qantas, Telstra and Aldi, to the test. Here's what happened.
How ombudsman services can help you
We explain how ombudsman services operate and how the complaint process works.
Consumer complaint checklist
How to make a consumer complaint that gets results.
Make the most of your representatives
Got an issue from potholes to planning? Your government reps can help.
Useful consumer rights contacts
A list of who to contact for help with consumer problems.
Online shopping
The world's biggest shopping mall is always at your fingertips. Knowing how to navigate it properly can save you time and money.
Packaging, labelling and advertising
We unpack the facts and help you see through the packaging, labelling and advertising tricks.
Shopping for services
If you're paying someone else to do it for you, you'll want them to do it better or faster than you would.