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Quality of fresh produce score
Based on shoppers' rating. For scoring details see 'How we survey'.
Quality of supermarket own brand products score
Based on shoppers' rating. For scoring details see 'How we survey'.
Range of products and brands available score
Based on shoppers' rating (results refer to instore, not online). For scoring details see 'How we survey'.
Speed of checkout score
Based on shoppers' rating. For scoring details see 'How we survey'.
Value for money score
Based on shoppers' rating. For scoring details see 'How we survey'.
Included in this review
- Range of products and brands available score
- NT
- Value for money score
- Best for
- Number of stores
- Helpfulness of staff score
- Store locations
- Percentage would recommend
- Ease of use of shopping trolleys and baskets score
- Model
- Amount and availability of specials and discounts score
- Ease of parking score
- Clarity of signage showing unit pricing score
- Availability of staff when you need assistance score
- Stock turnover score
- Recommended
- Ease of locating items you want score
- Product availability score
- Store appearance and layout score
- Speed of checkout score
- Overall score
- Brand
- Availability of your preferred type of checkout score
- Worst for
- Quality of supermarket own brand products score
- WA
- Opening hours score
- Ease of using self-service checkout score
- Quality of fresh produce score
- Availability of locally produced food products score
- SA