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Online store results
Physical store results
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company using independent sources. Ratings range from A for the best to F for the worst. N/A means not applicable, where there is not enough information on the ethics of a company to assign a rating.
Nationally available
Overall score
This score is based on the experiences of more than 5000 survey respondents who bought appliances or electrical products from retailers in Australia in the past 12 months.
Range of products and brands score
These scores will differ based on what you see instore or online.
Value for money score
Based on how respondents ranked stores for value, either instore or online, across the various options in Australia.
Customer service score
This score refers to the customer service you get instore only, not online.
Delivery score
This score refers to delivery either through an online order or through an instore order.
After-sales service score
This score refers to the after-sales service customers experience, whether instore or online.
Website ease of use score
This score refers to how easy it is to use the retailer's website when making a purchase.
Payment options online score
This score is based on the number of options the online vendor gives you to pay.
Returns process online score
This score looks at what the returns process is like when you have to return a product you bought online.
Included in this review
- Deals Specials and Discounts
- Level of details on products
- Nationally available
- Number of respondents
- Online customer service
- Store appearance and layout
- Range of products and brands score
- Value for money score
- Customer service score
- Delivery score
- After-sales service score
- Website ease of use score
- Payment options online score
- Returns process online score
- Overall score
- Recommended
- Shop Ethical rating
- Carbon neutral