Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner Ginger Yuzu review
739mL bottle size. Priced at $6.00.

Ӱ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is a measure of soil removal. Our lab follows the manufacturer's dilution instructions to test each product. Ceramic tiles are soiled with a mixture of oils and dirt matter. Using a scrubbing apparatus, the tiles are cleaned with sponges soaked in the product. The scrubbing force applied is equivalent to light pressure and 20 scrubs are passed over the tiles. Reflectance readings are taken before and after cleaning to determine soil removal.
- 45%
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This is the price we paid at the checkout.
- $6.00
Cost per 100mL
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The cost per 100mL, based on the price paid.
- $0.81
Bottle size (mL)
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This is the size of the bottle we tested.
- 739
Suitable surfaces
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What does the packaging claim the product is suitable for?
- Linoleum, vinyl, laminate and tile floors
Not recommended for
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What does the manufacturer claim the product is not recommended for?
- Not Stated
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- Not Stated
- Website
Shop Ethical rating
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
- C
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The way the product is applied (spray bottle or free pour).
- Spray bottle