Expand to view more details.The recommended retail price as supplied by the manufacturer or the average price you can expect to find the translation device for online.
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Translation score
This score is based on how correctly the devices translate five simple sentences into four different languages. It accounts for 50% of the ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating, our overall score that determines which products we recommend.
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Ease of use score
This score is based on how time-consuming it is to get the device or app to translate spoken language. It accounts for 30% of the ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating, our overall score that determines which products we recommend.
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Number of languages
The number of languages present in the device for translating speech.
App required
Internet connection required
Offline mode
Can the device work without an active internet connection?
Number of image translation languages
Approximate number of languages present in image translation mode.
Sound recordings
Pre-loaded phrases
Wi-Fi support
Translation history
Battery indicator
Battery life can be shown either on the screen or via LED.
Bluetooth support
Charging port type
The cable type required to charge the device. Generally it's either USB-C or microUSB.
Included in this review
- Recommended
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
- Translation score
- Ease of use score
- Audio score
- Tester product summary
- Good points
- Bad points
- Standalone device
- Internet connection required
- Price
- Voice translation
- Number of languages
- Image translation
- Number of image translation languages
- Offline languages available
- Pre-loaded phrases
- Favourites
- Translation history
- Sound recordings
- Microphone
- Camera
- Speakers
- Headphone jack
- Touchscreen
- Volume control
- Wi-Fi support
- SIM/eSIM support
- Offline mode
- App required
- Bluetooth support
- Battery indicator
- Charging requirements
- Charging port type
- Battery type
- Dimensions (mm, H x W x D)
- Weight (g)
- Country of origin