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Audio quality score
Assessed on PC using each service’s default (non hi-fi) setting, by a panel of experts. Automatic quality adjustment was used when services did not offer custom quality settings.
Ease of use score
Assesses general layout, search tools, adding content to your library, genre browsing, playlist creation, offline mode and sharing on desktop (40%) and mobile (60%).
Data consumption – standard/auto quality (MB)
Assessed the level of data consumed by a one-hour playlist at standard, high and highest quality offered by the service, in addition to the automatic settings. This playlist was played three times to create an average rate of data consumption. Auto quality adjustment was used if no other options were available. Bitrate can increase and decrease depending on internet connection speed and quality.
Data consumption – high quality (MB)
Assessed the level of data consumed by a one-hour playlist at standard, high and highest quality offered by the service, in addition to the automatic settings. This playlist was played three times to create an average rate of data consumption.
Hi-fi grade audio
Explicit content filter
Family subscription plan
Upload your own music
Included in this review
- Recommended
- Overall score
- Ease of use score
- Audio quality score
- Data consumption standard auto quality
- Data consumption high quality
- Good points
- Bad points
- Brand
- Status
- Model
- Price
- Free version
- Windows
- OS X
- Web browser-based
- iOS
- Android
- Other platforms
- Quality settings Wi-Fi
- Quality settings mobile data
- Hi-fi grade audio
- Offline mode desktop
- Offline mode mobile
- Explicit content filter
- Child-friendly mode
- Videos
- Family subscription plan
- Upload your own music
- Import iTunes playlists
- Simultaneous devices