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Chicken nugget reviews

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Last updated: 05 June 2024


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We taste and compare frozen chicken nuggets from Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, Steggles, Ingham's and more to find out which ones taste best and are the most nutritious.

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We tested air-fried crumbed and tempura chicken nugget products available in major Australian supermarket chains including Coles, Woolworths, Aldi and IGA. The price is for the pack size specified and bought in Sydney stores in March 2024.


Our panel of three judges tasted the chicken nugget samples 'blind' (without knowing the brands) and independently judged each sample on appearance, aroma, flavour and texture.


The ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating, our overall score, consists of 80% sensory and 20% nutrition (equally based on the Health Star Rating and the percentage of chicken). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.

We recommend chicken nuggets with a ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating of 70% or more.

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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

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Price per 100g

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Based on the pack price in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

Taste test score

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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.

Nutrition score

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This score is based on the product's Health Star Rating (HSR) and the percentage of chicken. The HSR is calculated from the details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage.

Percentage of chicken

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As listed on the pack purchased.

Shop Ethical rating

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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.

Included in this review

Members-only access
  • Air fryer cooking time (minutes)
  • Shop Ethical rating
  • Air fryer cooking temperature
  • Pack size (g)
  • ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
  • Taste test score
  • Nutrition score
  • Recommended
  • Health Star Rating
  • Price
  • Price per 100g
  • Energy per 100g (kJ)
  • Protein per 100g (g)
  • Fat per 100g (g)
  • Saturated fat per 100g (g)
  • Sugars per 100g (g)
  • Carbohydrates per 100g (g)
  • Sodium per 100g (mg)
  • Percentage of chicken
  • Ingredients
  • Percentage of Australian ingredients


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Coles I'm Free From Gluten & Wheat Chicken Nuggets

Coles I'm Free From Gluten & Wheat Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

73 %
Taste test score 75%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 781kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 62%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Ingham's Free Range Chicken Breast Nuggets

Ingham's Free Range Chicken Breast Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

70 %
Taste test score 70%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 4
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 788kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 57%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating F
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Woolworths Chicken Breast Crumbed Nuggets

Woolworths Chicken Breast Crumbed Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

68 %
Taste test score 70%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 843kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 52%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Ingham's Chicken Breast Nuggets Original

Ingham's Chicken Breast Nuggets Original
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

1000 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

65 %
Taste test score 68%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 1010kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 50%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating F
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Woolworths Chicken Breast Tempura Nuggets

Woolworths Chicken Breast Tempura Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

63 %
Taste test score 63%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 4
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 950kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 52%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Ingham's Chicken Breast Nuggets Tempura

Ingham's Chicken Breast Nuggets Tempura
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

1000 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

62 %
Taste test score 62%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 803kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 48%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating F
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Steggles Crumbed Chicken Breast Nuggets

Steggles Crumbed Chicken Breast Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

56 %
Taste test score 56%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 962kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 41%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating F
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Coles Tempura Chicken Nuggets

Coles Tempura Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

55 %
Taste test score 52%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 4
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 949kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 53%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Ingham's Airmazing Chicken Nuggets

Ingham's Airmazing Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

55 %
Taste test score 53%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 745kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 51%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating F
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Tegel Gluten Free Tempura Battered Chicken Nuggets

Tegel Gluten Free Tempura Battered Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

55 %
Taste test score 54%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 739kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 51%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating D
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Farmwood (Aldi) Chicken Nuggets

Farmwood (Aldi) Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

1000 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

52 %
Taste test score 50%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 920kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 50%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Cleavers Organic Chicken Nuggets

Cleavers Organic Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

300 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

50 %
Taste test score 46%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 960kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 60%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating A
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Coles Crumbed Chicken Nuggets

Coles Crumbed Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

400 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

49 %
Taste test score 47%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 931kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 47%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Woolworths Essentials Chicken Nuggets

Woolworths Essentials Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

500 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

48 %
Taste test score 46%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 1080kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 42%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Farmwood (Aldi) Tempura Style Nuggets

Farmwood (Aldi) Tempura Style Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

1000 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

46 %
Taste test score 43%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 869kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 52%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Black & Gold Chicken Nuggets

Black & Gold Chicken Nuggets
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

500 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

43 %
Taste test score 42%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 1140kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 34%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating C
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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Family Faves Crispy Chicken Space Bites

Family Faves Crispy Chicken Space Bites
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Pack price as purchased in Sydney stores (not on special) in March 2024.

1000 g pack size.
ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
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This overall score is made up of sensory attributes (90%) and nutrition (20%). Sensory attributes include flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). The nutrition score is equally based on the percentage of chicken and the Health Star Rating, which is calculated from the label and details in the nutrition information panel and converted to a percentage. Weightings are in brackets.

38 %
Taste test score 34%
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Our panel of tasters assigned scores to each chicken nugget product based on flavour (50%), texture (30%), appearance (10%) and aroma (10%). Weightings are in brackets.
Health Star Rating 3.5
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A score out of five. The Health Star Rating system ranks food products on a scale from half a star (least healthy) to five stars (most healthy), allowing you to make healthier choices at a glance within categories.
Energy per 100g 931kJ
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As per the nutrition information panel on the pack purchased.
Percentage of chicken 37%
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As listed on the pack purchased.
Shop Ethical rating N/A
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Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
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