Expand to view more details.This is the manufacturer's recommended retail price. Prices are generally flexible, so shop around both online and in bricks and mortar shops for options.
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Roasting capacity (g)
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The maximum quantity of green beans the machine can roast at the one time, measured in grams.
Pre-programmed settings
Programmable settings
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How many different programs you can create.
Preheat cycle
Unattended safety switch system
Included in this review
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- Overall score
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Buy
- Performance score (%)
- Ease of use score (%)
- Visibility of beans while roasting
- Noise comments
- Good points
- Bad points
- Cooling cycle
- Coffee quality comments
- Brand
- Model
- Price
- Roasting capacity (g)
- Temperature control (°C)
- Roasting wait time (min:sec)
- Pre-programmed settings
- Programmable settings
- Preheat cycle
- Unattended safety switch system
- Time setting
- Manual roasting stop
- Emergency stop
- Items supplied
- Weight (kg)
- Dimensions (cm, HxWxD)
- Time control
- Origin
- Contact