Expand to view more details.This is the manufacturer's recommended retail price. Prices are generally flexible, so shop around both online and in bricks and mortar shops for options.
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A cook or chef's knife as claimed by the manufacturer. There's no clear definition between the two categories, with each available at a variety of price points. Though not entirely meaningless, they're usually interchangeable terms, and 'chef' doesn't necessarily mean better quality.
Cutting performance score
We assess the knives' performance by slicing and dicing various foods including tomatoes (full slices), carrots (julienne), onions (half-moon slices) and steak (diced).
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Sharpness score
Made up of the initial sharpness score (30%) and sharpness after blunting (70%).
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Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. The rating ranks from A (highest) to F (lowest); N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Claimed blade type (forged or stamped)
As claimed by the manufacturer. Forged knives are made from a single piece of steel that's been heated, moulded, hardened, tempered and then ground into a cutting edge. Stamped knives are machine-stamped out of a piece of steel and then ground, polished and honed.
Handle shape
This is a matter of personal preference.
Weight (g)
Weight of the knife in grams.
Included in this review
- Recommended
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
- Cutting performance score
- Sharpness score
- Initial sharpness score
- Sharpness after blunting score
- Good points
- Bad points
- Expert comments
- Type
- Price
- Shop Ethical Rating
- Claimed blade type (forged or stamped)
- Handle shape
- Claimed handle material
- Handle feel
- Bolster
- Dishwasher safe
- Accessories
- Blade material
- Size (cm)
- Weight (g)
- Heel height cm
- Rockwell hardness rating
- Warranty
- Country of origin