Expand to view more details.Price per panel advised by the manufacturer. Many brands didn't supply pricing but we'll update these when we can. Actual prices can vary significantly between suppliers - you need to compare costs of whole systems and installation, not just the panels.
Claimed nominal power (W)
The nominal power output for the panel under standard lab conditions. The higher the number, the more electricity you'll get from the panel. See our solar panels buying guide for an explanation.
AC or DC
Most panels are DC - they deliver high-voltage direct current (DC) to the inverter, which converts it to alternating current (AC) for your home's circuits. Some panels are classed as AC, as they come with a microinverter on each panel. See our solar panels buying guide for the pros and cons of each type.
Monocrystalline or polycrystalline. Some panels are further specified as having PERC, HJT or IBC technologies which improve their efficiency. See our solar panels buying guide for more information.
Product warranty (years)
The warranty for the panel itself, covering repair or replacement if the panel is faulty. See our solar panels buying guide for details.
Performance warranty (years)
The number of years for which a certain level of performance is guaranteed (typically warranting that the panel will still produce at least 80% of its claimed power rating at the end of this period and will degrade in a predictable linear fashion). See our solar panels buying guide for more information.
Included in this comparison
- Model
- Price
- Price per watt
- Efficiency ratio (%)
- Claimed nominal power (W)
- Claimed power tolerance
- Dimensions (L x W, cm)
- Type
- AC or DC
- Product warranty (years)
- Performance warranty (years)
- Power output at end of performance warranty
- Warranted performance degradation per year
- Origin
- Operating temperature range
- Temperature coefficient
- Release date