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Performance score
This score is a combination of order accuracy (80%) and delivery accuracy (20%) results.
Ease of use score
This score is a combination of account set-up (10%), item selection (50%), order administration (20%) and returns (20%) scores. Test conducted on a desktop computer.
Shop Ethical rating
Shop Ethical rates the environmental and social impact of the company (not the product) using independent sources. This rating is not included in our total score. N/A means there is no rating for that company.
Order accuracy score
Were all the products delivered and were any substitutions appropriate and fair? We penalised retailers for inappropriate or insufficient substitutions (like corn chips instead of potato chips), out-of-stock items and forgotten products. We also checked the quality and quantity of all fresh produce to ensure it was of an acceptable standard.
Delivery accuracy score
Did our order arrive within the nominated delivery window?
Item selection score
How good is the search function and how easy is it to add all the items on our list to the cart? We look at things like how clever the predictive search bar is, how easy it is to select the quantities you want and how accurate and detailed product information is. Test conducted on a desktop computer.
Order administration score
How easy is it to make changes to our cart while building the order? Is the payment process straightforward? Test conducted on a desktop computer.
Returns score
How fair is the returns and refunds policy?
Included in this review
- Recommended
- ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳Expert Rating
- Performance score
- Ease of use score
- Mobile ease of use score
- Account set-up score
- Item selection score
- Order accuracy score
- Order administration score
- Delivery accuracy score
- Returns score
- Good points
- Bad points
- Standard delivery
- Minimum delivery
- Free delivery options
- Express delivery
- Cancellation fee
- Fee for missed delivery
- Order tracking
- App
- Loyalty rewards program
- Standard delivery window
- Cancellation time limit
- Product range
- Payment options
- Shop Ethical rating
- Option for delivery to be left outside
- Membership